There was much to drool over at Redenham Park on Saturday – and that was even before you got anywhere near the coffee & walnut cake in the pool-house

As one approached the kitchen garden and the green-houses – and there was a plurality of green-houses – there were echoes of Alice in Wonderland – as the apples, tomatoes and other fruit were all whispering, quite loudly, “eat me”. It was hard to resist. (Given that this was a fund-raising event for the Church, it could have been the serpents encouraging the fair maidens (more than a plurality) to eat the apples. But there were no serpents – so Alice in Wonderland it is.)

What a delicious garden – a magical spot. Not a weed in sight – other than the weeds artfully arranged in the ‘wilding’ areas. This was far better than Chelsea….

A big thank you to Lady Clark for opening her wonderful garden – and her family for helping so much on the day – and enabling us to raise £1,000 for the Church.
1 Comment
Trevor Lewis · 29/09/2021 at 10:30 am
Well done.I am pleased it went so well