This Sunday Appleshaw church re-opens its doors for Morning Worship at 11.00am.
Future church services in Appleshaw are planned on:
- 26 July
- 2 August
- 16 August
- 30 August
All appropriate CV-19 mitigation measures will be in place, including:
- alcohol-based hand sanitiser will be available at the entrance
- socially-distanced seating will be indicated by a copy of the service sheet on the pews. (Families can, of course, sit together.)
- sadly there will be no singing at the moment – although there will be some music played during the service
- wearing a mask or face-covering is currently optional (although the regulations may change)

The picture above is from Thruxton where Revd. John Tarrant held the first post-lockdown service last Sunday. (Live streaming will continue from Thruxton every week.) If you want more information on church services then please contact Christine Barrett via email on:
1 Comment
Caroline · 15/07/2020 at 9:28 am
Brilliant! Thanks for such clear info. Great photos 🌈✨👍