Mary Duncan has been a regular worshiper at St Peter-in-the-Wood for many years. In fact, many decades.
Mary is now living in a Care Home – and celebrated her 100th Birthday on 28th May. There was, of course, a cake. And presents. Plus sunshine and large smiles. Mary was on fine form.
The supremely talented Annabel Gunter painted her a Birthday card (see below) of the Church which was signed by numerous parishioners. (It turned out that Mary has a large fan-club in Appleshaw.)

We wish her many happy returns…

Janet Tomlinson · 08/06/2020 at 9:35 am
Please pass on my greetings and congratulations to Mary. I remember her both at church – where she always engaged with our children – and in her garden in Barncroft where she systematically cut down a tree single-handed! She said it took her a year with a handsaw! A very impressive person!
caroline · 08/06/2020 at 9:38 am
what a lovely moment
can we see annabel’s name by painting as it is all her lovely work… she may even receive commissions… look we’re strating an art exhibition… with louise’s dad’s toad patrol painting… could ask elizabeth and suzanne next… 🙂 cx