The Christingle service is always cute.

A number of families turned up yesterday afternoon to fashion “Christingles” from plump oranges, cocktail sticks, sweets and red ribbon.

Now it is true that there was a slight mismatch between the sweets provided at the beginning of the ‘manufacturing’ session – and the sweets found on the Christingles. But, apparently, it is very important to keep everyone’s blood sugar levels up at this time of year.

Just in case you are not sure what a ‘Christingle’ is – other than a good excuse to practise eating sweets in advance of Christmas day – then here is is the view from Wikipedia….
…. A Christingle is a symbolic object used in the Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany services of many Christian denominations. Christingle, a word of German origin, means ‘Christ Child’ and is used to celebrate Jesus Christ as the “Light of the World”