Despite the best endeavours of the doom-mongers from the Met Office – the Mad-hatters’ tea-party was blessed with warm “Wonderland” weather which encouraged a range of colourful and creative outfits, led by Mary Lee.
An even bigger blessing was the cakes. And the biscuits. Alice – of Lewis Carroll fame – would have found them irresistible. Positively wicked. All home-made. “Bake-off” – eat your heart out.
There was an eclectic mixture of games – some from Alice’s vintage – enjoyed by a rolling maul of local children. (The adults seemed more interested in the cakes. And the biscuits.) It was felt more appropriate for the croquet to be set up just outside the church-yard, which involved incorporating a bench into the tournament. (Hurlingham may not approve of benches on croquet lawns – but it was generally thought that Alice would.) Swingbat was set up very firmly in the Church yard. Thwack went the ball….
… and Mmmmmm disappeared the cakes. And the biscuits.
Check out the pictures here. Some of the hats being paraded make Ascot look tame.