August. Sand. Ice creams. Optimistic vats of sun-cream. Mewing – and often plain annoying – sea gulls. Early starts with suitcases and other paraphernalia spatula-ed into the car. The pure joy of Heathrow and the madding crowds. Slightly wobbly surfing in Cornwall with figure-enhancing wet suits. The strangely melodic clink of rigging in the mast. Avoiding the paparazzi in Saint Tropez. In normal times.
Sadly these are not normal times. The terrors of promotion to the “Amber list”. Holiday plans hanging by a thread – or at least subject to the seemingly random vengeance of the (er, “world-beating”) ‘Track & Trace’ self-isolation ping…
But all is not lost. If you are planning on staying at home in August and waiting to see how things pan out, then do come and join us for a relaxed, laid-back drink in the churchyard from 6 pm on Saturday 7th August.
The drinks will be cool; there will be no stinting on the ice. The early evening sun enthusiastic and flattering. And the wild flowers, expertly choreographed by Ben Kite, will be at their most photogenic. You can also inspect the recently completed building works in the vestry and gaze in wonder at the Herculean task that is sorting out the tower.

So if you are around do please come and join us for a drink in the churchyard on 7 August – it would be good to see you.