As the Church had been closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to combat the resultant slight sense of ennui, we had suggested that anybody feeling inspired might like to add their colourful blown eggs to the (initially bare) Easter tree outside the Church. In the end we ended up with a tree that was more colourful than the most “be-baubled” Christmas tree (and infinitely better taste).
In the beginning …… …….. there was a bare “Easter tree”

By the end of Easter Sunday there was a veritable work of art – the Easter tree be-decked with pure Fabergé

It would be wrong to single any of the eggs out as they were all works of art in their own right; but the NHS egg was kind of cute.

Check out the images in the rolling slide show below.
A big “well done” to everyone who created an egg. They certainly add colour to Easter Sunday – plus big smiles from villagers walking past the Church (whilst carefully following social distancing rules. Honest.)